Saturday, July 5, 2008

Breathing Technique

Pranayamam is defined in the science of Yoga
as the scientific art of mastering the breath.The Pranayamam which is used to cleanse the lower respiratory tract is Purna suthi Pranayamam.
There are are two lobes of the lungs in the left lower quadrant and three lobes in the right lower quadrat.There are millions of alveoli or air sacs in the lungs.12500 alveoli makes one inch!All these can be cleansed by this kriya.
Technique: Sit eract comfortably,the head,neck and spine in a straight line.The shoulders should be limp and loose like a coat in a coat hanger.Keep one hand over the other in Sarpa Mudrai.
Take in a deep breath through both the nostrils using all the muscles.Forcibly breathe out through the mouth.
Greater the force ,greater the cleansing power.Purse the lips and use the teeth to produce thin long jet of air.
Caution: Do not breathe on children or others;they will get the infection.
The no: of kriyas is dependent upon the phlegm accumulated in the alveoli.It is one of the best methods of cleansing the lower respiratory system comparable to the sophesticated mechanized methods of draining the lungs in modern medicine

1 comment:

SudhanV said...

After doing this Pranayama I feel better. Thanks for the tips. Please give some more.