Friday, July 4, 2008

Vethathiri Maharishi’s view on “Respecting Womanhood.”

Realizing the greatness of womanhood is of inestimable importance in one’s life. About half the world’s population is comprised of women and the other half by men. Furthermore, the half who are males are all children of the other half! It is obvious that every male gets his life from a woman; it is primarily woman’s blood that circulates inside him.
Every human being has been conceived in a female womb, has been nourished by a woman, and has been able to lead his life every moment through the supportive companionship of woman. If analyzed in proper perspective, women can not be viewed as less than, greater than, or even equal to males. The providential compassion of Nature has placed women in a special position. An individual or a society that does not give due regard and respect to the greatness of womanhood can never attain peace and prosperity.

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