Monday, July 21, 2008

Food Habits

Food is an important source of energy to our body.The most important of any food is its fuel value.The exact nutritional need of the human body is:
Glucose -88% to 90%
Protein -4 to5%
Minerals-3 to4%
Vitamins- 1%
Fat - 1%
The Fruit is the perfect food on earth.
Food must be easily digestible and assimilable.If food takes long to digest we are wasting energy.It takes two hours to digest food when consuming one cereal.when we mix two (i.e)rice &wheat,It takes 5 hours to digest.
Aerated drinks,milk and milk products,junk foods contain toxic residues.Our body functions on optimum efficiency only when it is slightly alkaline in metabolic end products.Milk &milk products leave an acidic residue as they hit the stomach.Citric fruits such as orange or mosambi leaves an alkaline residue.
Only fresh fruits,vegetables,nuts and seeds(in sprouted form) have the highest possible nutritional value.
Refined sugar,milk &milk products,animal products,tinned,bottled and packaged foods and refined oil are foodless foods(i.e)contain zero nutrients and take too long to digest.

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